If you're looking for information about a particular book marketing topic, check out the Book Marketing Resources section in the right column of this blog. Just click on a topic to find articles, podcasts and other resources on that particular subject. Here are a few examples:
Amazon Marketing Strategies
Blogs & Websites
Book Marketing Strategy
Library & Educational Sales
Publicity for Books & Authors
Social Marketing for Authors
Also, be sure to check out the Author Resources listings in the right column, the Blogging Resources page, and the Book Marketing Plan outline. Stay tuned for more new features coming soon to The Savvy Book Marketer blog!
Amazon Marketing Strategies
Blogs & Websites
Book Marketing Strategy
Library & Educational Sales
Publicity for Books & Authors
Social Marketing for Authors
Also, be sure to check out the Author Resources listings in the right column, the Blogging Resources page, and the Book Marketing Plan outline. Stay tuned for more new features coming soon to The Savvy Book Marketer blog!
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