In today's guest post, publicist Jackie O'Neal shares her tips for effective communication through broadcast media.
One of the most effective ways for authors to promote their books is to do broadcast interviews. The reason is related to the large audiences that can be reached quickly. Radio interviews tend to run from 10- 20 minutes, whereas TV interviews are shorter, and often run less than five minutes. So to deliver the points you are eager to make, preparation is needed. Many authors work with media trainers to learn how to tighten their messages, and break their books down to easy to digest points.
However, not everyone has the resources to hire a media trainer, or even the time to work with one, although it is a smart investment for any author. I'd like to share what I've learned along the way, as a book publicist, and how I've trained my authors before they do an interview.
It may be somewhat challenging to apply these tips to fiction, and yet it can be done, if you take the time to figure out the expertise you can share with an audience. Author Jill Lubin once said the media is obsessed with several things: love, health, and money. As simplistic as that sounds, it is nevertheless, true and can be verified by simply reading news headlines.
What can your book teach your audience? What will they learn that will make a positive difference in their lives? Or their communities at large? Spending time answering these questions will help you jump-start your key messages.
Here is an example from my own files:
I had a science-fiction writer as a client whose area of expertise was discussing benefits of using renewable energy in preventing future environmental dilemmas like the Gulf of Mexico offshore drilling explosion, and breaking down the science of ocean energy thermal technology.
I was able to get her featured on NBC on Telemundo, teaching viewers how to do a home energy audit. She talked about how the audience can save money by using CFL light bulbs, the benefits of solar panels, and other ways to live green. This was a topic she was impassioned about, and she explained in a concise way. The interview was challenging because the host was bi-lingual, but the results were super. You can watch it here.
Try to identify topics you can speak to, and see how your messages can tie in to how audiences can save money, live better, or be healthier. Practice. and practice some more. Before long, you'll be prepared for your next broadcast interview.
Jackie O'Neal is the founder of O'Neal Media Group, a public relations consultancy that helps entrepreneurs get noticed, and stay noticed. A talented public relations strategist, one of Jackie's specialties is writing a targeted communications plan so her clients can meet their most important objectives, and stay on track. Need help? Contact O'Neal Media Group.
Learn more about working with the media in Jackie's previous guest post, Fool-proof Ways to Correspond With Journalists.
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