If you have printed books or Kindle ebooks for sale on Amazon.com, you are eligible for an author profile page on Amazon. The profile is accessed from a section like this on your book sales pages:
You can also link directly to your Amazon profile from elsewhere. That is especially handy if you have multiple books for sale on Amazon, because you can direct people to a central point where they can find all of your books. For example, I'm putting a note in the back of my Kindle books that the most current list of my Kindle titles is available on my Amazon author page.
When readers click through to my author profile on Amazon, here's what they see:
On the left is my bio and a list of books I have for sale on Amazon. Although live hyperlinks aren't allowed in the bio, I have listed my website address, social networks and other important links in my bio. In the right column is my latest tweet and links to my recent blog posts.
To set up your own profile on Amazon, sign up at Amazon Author Central. You will be asked to identify your books and respond to a verification email, then you can set up your profile. Just upload your photo and enter your bio, blog feed address and Twitter user name. You can also link to videos and publicize your author events.
After you have set up your account, you can access it any time from http://authorcentral.amazon.com to edit your profile and add additional books. Click the Help link to reach a page with several valuable links, including one that lets you make changes to your book listings on Amazon.
Note that if you already have an extensive bio on Amazon using their older author page format, some of your previous data, such as links to reviews you have written, will disappear when you sign up for Author Central.
Learn more about maximizing your visibility on Amazon with my ebook, How to Sell More Books on Amazon.
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